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Nestares - Sierra Cameros | Turismo en La Rioja, Camero Nuevo | Pueblos y Paisajes


Nestares stands out in the lowest part of the slopes of Serradero, at the end of the Sierra de Moncalvillo, and is the first town showing Camerano architectural features. In their houses, stone, adobe and wood are mixed.

“En la puerta de Cameros
Levantó Dios un altar,
Y en él colocó a su madre,
La virgen del Manojar”.

(At the door of Cameros
raised God an altar,
and in it he placed his mother,
The Virgin of the Manojar)

The father of Juan Ramón Jiménez, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1956, was born here and later migrated to the lands of Huelva (Spain). The remains of his grandparents rest in the cemetery of Nestares.

Nestares had 93 inhabitants in 2017.

El Serrano (The Highland)

Although Puerta de Cameros is Viguera, the first village of Highland typology is Nestares, located on a sunny slope and far from the humidity of the Iregua Rive


The mushroom tradition has been very important in Cameros Nuevo (New Cameros). Nowadays, many municipalities regulate its collection

Villages and Landscapes of the Camero Nuevo. La Rioja