
The traveller quickly senses that Viguera was an important site where influences of several towns were united. Its arcades indicate an old defensive enclave and a walk to its viewpoint confirms its privileged situation.

This rural and traditional aspect contrasts with its industrial wealth, based on the use of lime and gypsum and in a pork-butcher industry that emerged from the home slaughtering, which has achieved great national prestige.

Among its rocks, we perceive the change from the fruity, wine and horticultural Rioja towards a farming and forestry territory. Viguera has two other population centres on the road N-111: Panzares and Castañares de las Cuevas.

Population in 2017: 408 inhabitants. Height: 698 m.

4 · The Roman Road

The so-called Roman Road that came from Varea over the course of the Iregua enters the Sierra de Cameros by Viguera and runs to the base of the port of…

12 · Panzares

Small quiet village located on the N-111 road, which emerges from an old inn that provided shelter and food to the carts that went up to the mountains

Villages and Landscapes of the Camero Nuevo. La Rioja