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2 · The dance of Almarza - Sierra Cameros | Turismo en La Rioja, Camero Nuevo | Pueblos y Paisajes

Almarza de Cameros

2 · The dance of Almarza

The Camerano villages enjoyed their festivities in the summer and used to grace their processions with the dances. After a period of regression, this festive activity has been recovered and has made Almarza an important example of the rehabilitation of its folklore.
This town has rescued its Danza de los Pañuelos (Dance of the Scarves) and, through the figure of Cachiburrio or head of the dance, dances of swards or those drawing geometric shapes as La Estrella (The Star) are performed. The toasts, as spoken references devoted to the Patroness, are another example of their recovered traditional manifestations.
In September, the dancers, on their knees, greet the Virgin in the arch of the parish church and dance all the way down to the chapel of Nuestra Señora del Valle. Then, in Saint John, they perform the reverse route.

Villages and Landscapes of the Camero Nuevo. La Rioja