En uno de sus valles recorrido por el río Iregua, está el Camero Nuevo, tierra de bosques, pastizales, cumbres y pequeños valles, donde se sitúan 13 pueblos con historia, tradiciones y leyendas, que siglos atrás se agruparon bajo la denominación de Hermandad de las 13 Villas.
It is known as Peña Zapatero due to an ancient legend: A shoemaker worked in that crag. One day, his awl fell and, when he bended to pick it up, the crag covered him and he was buried under it.
It was climbed for the first time in 1927 by some famous climbers who travelled the region arranging weather vanes and repairing the clocks of the high towers of the churches. The climber named Paracuellos ascended to the summit, placed a cross and left inside a bottle a text signed by the mayor and people of the town. It was found in the next climb, in 1964.
There are also other rocky spots that allow the practice of climbing, such as the hill of San Pelayo or the rocks of El Pirulo and La Botella.