En uno de sus valles recorrido por el río Iregua, está el Camero Nuevo, tierra de bosques, pastizales, cumbres y pequeños valles, donde se sitúan 13 pueblos con historia, tradiciones y leyendas, que siglos atrás se agruparon bajo la denominación de Hermandad de las 13 Villas.
Every year, during the month of August, colourful textile tapestries, called “almazuelas” are hung on the balconies and windows. They prove the recovery of the textile crafts that were made by sewing old pieces of different clothes for quilts, blankets or curtains, of very varied textures and colours.
This handicraft was recovered in Sierra de Cameros in 1980, from a workshop at Villosada de Cameros. Since then, many people participate in this activity and the Cultural Association, with the support of the Town Hall, organizes this colourful celebration, a market, offers popular food and other traditional activities every year.