
El viajero intuye rápidamente que Viguera fue un enclave importante donde se unieron influencias de varios pueblos. Su acceso porticado nos habla de antiguo enclave defensivo, y un paseo a su mirador nos confirma su privilegiada situación.

Ese aspecto rural y tradicional, contrasta con su riqueza fabril basada en el aprovechamiento de cal y yeso, y en una industria chacinera surgida de la matanza familiar y que ha alcanzado un gran prestigio nacional.

Entre sus peñas intuimos el cambio de La Rioja frutera, vinícola y hortelana, hacia un territorio ganadero y forestal. Viguera dispone de otros dos núcleos de población, sobre la carretera N-111: Panzares y Castañares de las Cuevas.

Su población en 2017 era de 408 habitantes. Altitud: 698 m.


The traveller quickly senses that Viguera was an important site where influences of several towns were united. Its arcades indicate an old defensive enclave and a walk to its viewpoint confirms its privileged situation.

This rural and traditional aspect contrasts with its industrial wealth, based on the use of lime and gypsum and in a pork-butcher industry that emerged from the home slaughtering, which has achieved great national prestige.

Among its rocks, we perceive the change from the fruity, wine and horticultural Rioja towards a farming and forestry territory. Viguera has two other population centres on the road N-111: Panzares and Castañares de las Cuevas.

Population in 2017: 408 inhabitants. Height: 698 m.

4 · The Roman Road

The so-called Roman Road that came from Varea over the course of the Iregua enters the Sierra de Cameros by Viguera and runs to the base of the port of…

12 · Panzares

Small quiet village located on the N-111 road, which emerges from an old inn that provided shelter and food to the carts that went up to the mountains

Pueblos y Paisajes del Camero Nuevo. La Rioja