1 · The church of Saint Martin
The church is located in a garden area where the public and social activities of the place are carried out
En uno de sus valles recorrido por el río Iregua, está el Camero Nuevo, tierra de bosques, pastizales, cumbres y pequeños valles, donde se sitúan 13 pueblos con historia, tradiciones y leyendas, que siglos atrás se agruparon bajo la denominación de Hermandad de las 13 Villas.
Población en ladera, atravesada por la carretera general N-111 que abre el casco urbano en dos por su espacio ajardinado central, denominado aquí como El Prado, y ofreciendo al viajero su fotografía más bella. Quizá por ello, desde hace casi 100 años, muchas casas comerciales eligieron la localidad para grabar sus anuncios publicitarios en sus bancos. Entonces no había muchos espacios para su difusión.
Cuenta con variadas muestras de arquitectura popular, que contrastan con edificios más historiados, situados sobre la ruta. Su entorno está rodeado de bosques y el paso del río Iregua por la localidad, genera un bello bosque de ribera.
En la actualidad cuenta con 59 habitantes (datos del año 2017). Altitud: 883 m.
677 01 39 38
619 44 52 63
Carretera de Gallinero, s/n
Village on a hillside, crossed by the main road N-111 that opens the urban area in two, due to its central garden area, here called El Prado (The Meadow) and offering the visitor its most beautiful photograph. Perhaps for this reason, for almost 100 years, many companies chose this location to engrave their advertisements on the benches. There were not many spaces for advertising at that time.
It has varied samples of popular architecture, which contrast with more historic buildings on the route. It is surrounded by forests and the crossing of the Iregua River generates beautiful riverside woodland.
At present it has 59 inhabitants (data for the year 2017).
677 01 39 38
619 44 52 63
Carretera de Gallinero, s/n
The church is located in a garden area where the public and social activities of the place are carried out
It is a building attached to the temple, used to collect the tithes that the locals paid to their parish
This place of rest and leisure is grouped together with the church, the road and the pelota court
Every year, during the month of August, colourful textile tapestries, called “almazuelas” are hung on the balconies and windows
In the current Rural House there was an old flour mill that still keeps all its milling machinery
It is located on the old road to Pinillos and is built in ashlar stone, highlighting the greatness of its unique arch
Less than two kilometres from Pradillo to Logroño by the N-111, next to the farm of Las Llanas, starts the signposted path that, in half an hour walk
These pot-bellied constructions that almost all the families owned, allowed baking the bread weekly for all the family and the relatives
Tradition says that a village was built in this place in the past, of which only the parish church remains, now established as a chapel
From the valley, the wine was transported to the mountains in wineskins loaded in carriages that stopped in the existing points of sale on the way to the Piqueras mountain…