Nieva de Cameros

Sobre su término se alarga el Cordal del Serradero que separa el Valle del Iregua del situado en el río Najerilla. Posee los vestigios más antiguos del poblamiento camerano, datados en el Paleolítico medio. En época más moderna, tuvo otros enclaves habitados en su término, como Castejón, San Julián y el Barrio del Iregua, cerca del río, que hoy solo son un recuerdo.

En este último, estuvo la antigua Venta del Hambre, que formaba parte de la red de ventas para caminantes y carruajes que atravesaban el temido, en invierno, Puerto de Piqueras que daba acceso a Soria.

El lugar está rodeado por ermitas o restos de ellas y la toponimia nos recuerda lugares como San Julián, San Roque, Santa Eufemia, Santa Marina, Santa Teodosia, Santa María de los Santos o San Antón.

En la actualidad, cuenta con 96 habitantes empadronados (datos de 2017). Altitud: 1.017 m.

Nieva de Cameros

The Cordal de Serradero, which separates the Iregua Valley form the one at the Najerilla River, stretches over its area.
It has the oldest remains of the Camerano settlement, dated in the Middle Palaeolithic. In more modern times, it had other inhabited sites in this district, such as Castejón, Saint Julian and the Iregua neighbourhood, near the river, that are only a memory today.

In the latter, there was the old Venta del Hambre, which was part of the sales network for walkers and carriages that crossed the feared, in the winter, Piqueras Port, that headed to Soria (Spain).
The place is surrounded by chapels or remains of them and the toponymy reminds us places like Saint Julian, Saint Roque, Saint Eufemia, Saint Marina, Saint Theodosia, Saint Mary of the Saints or Saint Anton.

Currently, it has 96 registered inhabitants (2017 data).
Height: 1.017 m.


1 · The Schools

One of the most representative buildings in Nieva is the complex of the Schools, an important educational construction


5 · Uptown

Another important social space is in the highest part of the town and is composed of the whole of the church

6 · The Castle

It is the only castle in the region. Above the village rises a rock that is crowned with this defensive construction, unique in the Cameros


10 · Montemediano

This small spot located on the González Lacasa Reservoir is the village of Nieva. It has beautiful samples of traditional Camerano architecture

Pueblos y Paisajes del Camero Nuevo. La Rioja