1 · Noble home
At the entrance of the village, we are received by a stately building, with ashlar big corners
En uno de sus valles recorrido por el río Iregua, está el Camero Nuevo, tierra de bosques, pastizales, cumbres y pequeños valles, donde se sitúan 13 pueblos con historia, tradiciones y leyendas, que siglos atrás se agruparon bajo la denominación de Hermandad de las 13 Villas.
Pueblo serrano, situado dentro de la zona boscosa y separado del valle del Iregua unos tres kilómetros, desde la localidad de Pradillo. El lugar en ladera, tiene en su parte más alta una ermita, la de la Virgen de la Cuesta, y el recuerdo de otra al lado del cementerio, que estuvo dedicada a San Cristóbal.
En el pueblo cuentan que este lugar se despobló en una época de gran sequía y sus habitantes se fueron a las Galias, y a su regreso reconstruyeron el pueblo y le designaron como Gallinero, es decir ‘lugar de galos’.
Hay excelentes muestras de arquitectura tradicional camerana con interesantes puertas de medio punto en sillería.
En la actualidad, cuenta con 23 habitantes empadronados (datos de 2017). Altitud: 1.060 m.
Serrano town located within the forest area and separated about three kilometres from the town of Pradillo to the Iregua Valley.
The chapel of the Virgin of the Cuesta is located in the highest part of the hill, and the remains of another, which was devoted to Saint Cristopher, is beside the cemetery.
In the village, it is said that this place was depopulated in a time of a big drought, that its inhabitants went to Gaul and on their return, they rebuilt the town and called it “Gallinero”, that is to say “place of Gauls”.
There are excellent examples of traditional Camerano architecture with interesting semi-circular masonry doors.
At present, it has 23 registered inhabitants (2017 data).
Height: 1.060 m.
At the entrance of the village, we are received by a stately building, with ashlar big corners
As in many other places in Cameros, the large size of the temple is remarkable compared to the small number
The importance of education in these mountain regions is demonstrated by the age of many of the schools
The building that was the teacher’s house has been used to accommodate hikers, youth groups and hunters
We can observe archaeological remains in its walls, with embedded embossments in the facade
As a memory of an old livestock farm is the Field of Libarache, located just less than one hour of easy walk
Traditionally, the mountains of Cameros have been rich in hunting species and hunting was a common practice for its inhabitants