El Rasillo de Cameros

Sobre el embalse de El Rasillo se levanta este pueblo rodeado de pinares. Sorprende el contraste existente entre la construcción tradicional en el entorno de la Iglesia, con varios ejemplos de casa camerana de sillería con acceso con arco de medio punto y puertas de madera claveteada (algunas datadas del siglo XVIII) y restos de algunas manifestaciones de arquitectura popular, con paredes de adobe y entramados de madera de roble. Junto a este enclave histórico, se encuentra la urbanización, iniciada en los años 70, que aprovecha la ladera orientada al medio día y tiene una magnífica vista sobre el embalse.

Es el único caso en la comarca de una urbanización diseñada con exclusivo fin turístico, lo que ha contribuido a mantener la economía y a forjar el carácter abierto de sus habitantes. Y es que por algo se dice que El Rasillo es el pueblo de las mil fiestas. El lugar fue aldea de Ortigosa hasta el año 1817, que se independiza.

Contaba en 2017 con 150 habitantes empadronados. Altitud: 1.101 m.

El Rasillo de Cameros

This village surrounded by pine forests rises over the reservoir of El Rasillo. It is surprising the contrast between the traditional construction around the church, with different examples of Camerano masonry houses, where we can observe the half-point arch entrance, nailed wooden doors (some of them from the XVIII century) and remains of popular architecture, with mud walls and oak wood frameworks. Beside this historical site, there is an urbanization, started in the 70s, that takes advantage of the hillside, oriented toward the midday sun, and which has a fantastic view over the reservoir.

It is the only case in the region of an urbanization designed exclusively for tourism, which has helped to maintain the economy and forge the open nature of its inhabitants. That is why it is said that El Rasillo is the town of the thousand celebrations. The place was a village of Ortigosa until 1817, when it became independent.

In 2017 it had 150 registered inhabitants. Height: 1.101 m.

1 · The church

In this building we can see the last reminiscences of the Gothic style and the continuity of the construction throughout the XVI and XVII centuries

7 · The fountain

The fountain, with a circular base and a main pillar with four water pipes, is in the centre of the town to facilitate the service to all the neighbours

The Moraga

The particular location of the Sierra de Cameros, due to its altitude (1.100 m) and its cold and dry weather has enabled the development

The migas (breadcrumbs)

‘If you bring the pan, oil, bread, garlic and paprika, you’ll see between the two, what good breadcrumbs we do”. This song-recipe book of one of the pastoral dishes


The Rasillano mountains and pastures host a wide range of mushrooms, some of them highly prized, such as “marzuelos, perrechicos,

Pueblos y Paisajes del Camero Nuevo. La Rioja