• 122-6-1
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Villoslada de Cameros

6 · The birch of La Dehesa del Rebollar (Meadows of Rebollar)

There are many forest areas with magnificent trees in Villoslada. We can find yew, beech, oak, holly, black pine trees and other species of interest. Some of these trees have deserved the recognition of “Singular Trees of La Rioja” as in the case of the Candelabro Pine or the Negral de la Irruz.
The magnificent specimen of Betula alba we are referring to, called “Birch of the Dehesa” has also achieved this recognition. It is located on the village, in an old pasture for guarding the working cattle. It has an impressive shape, a large size and an age that can exceed 300 years. The route starts at the north of the Chapel of Saint Miguel, of particular property.

Villages and Landscapes of the Camero Nuevo. La Rioja