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Lumbreras de Cameros

1 · The Nursing Home

In a hard land in which it has been difficult to survive, several families and people have contributed with their work to the development of the villages in which they were born.
These patronage functions performed by wealthy families or emigrants who made their fortune outside their land, in principle, are directed towards religious institutions but later, they are focused on the improvement of services and the protection of residents. In this way, Mrs. Nicasia Herreros de Tejada, in her will of 1918, grants a certain amount to carry out a Nursing Home for the elderly in Lumbreras. The building was constructed between 1927 and 1930, and has had different functions, being at present a Hostel and Cultural Centre. Mrs. Nicasia also financed the Schools that were built in 1924.

Villages and Landscapes of the Camero Nuevo. La Rioja